then I subbed my breathe better meds for sleep better meds for a night and now I can't breathe again. cool.
I decided to stay up all night tonight to get stuff done. Turns out all I have really accomplished is that which I needed to have done for today anyway. But now I will have plenty of time to look as sexy as possible for my last day of class. Mizzou's finna know what they missin out on... says internal black Allyson.
Plus, Alexis and I are making pancakes in the morning which is a rarity. Not the making pancakes part but the in the morning part. Normally we save pancakes for brinner, which we used to make on a weekly (sometimes even semi-weekly) basis.
I love STILL being awake while a good portion of the rest of the country (or at least of the midwest) is beginning to wake up, or at least taking those first swats at their alarm clock. It makes me feel weird. But the good kind of weird.
ya know?
Something about staying all night gives me this feeling of invincibility (anybody else feel like this word has waaay to many 'i's?). I feel inexplicably happy and eager to see what the day has to offer. I must confess that I wish I started everyday like that but truth be told, I probably begin most days with grogginess.
But where does grogginess get us? While in the state of grogginess what is it that we want? To sleep. And do we get to sleep? No. Sooo, why waste time wishing you were in bed when you could be embracing the day. You have to be awake, right? so seize the day.
The sky is getting lighter. My last day of class at the University of Missouri is officially commencing. In 3 hours I have a french exam and in 9 I will be on a bus coming home from my last day of class.